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Saturn in Pisces: Eulogy Work 

October 28, 2023 11-1pm

Join me and the Embodied Astrology community as we come together to hold space for Saturn in Pisces as a representation for the ultimate universal experience of transformation — death.  Death is all around us. Long before our physical bodies die we experience deaths of all kinds and all different intensities. Some might say that the more we can learn to bear these everyday reminders of impermanence with skill, grace and compassion the more “prepared” we may be for our own inevitable ending. The transit of Saturn through Pisces invites us to acknowledge our responsibility to the world of matter even as we hold space for the unseen mysteries of what is to come and that which we can only approach through the medicine of yield, forgiveness, surrender and letting go. 

There are also many other amazing workshops and supportive community spaces at EA so please follow your heart’s desire!

Note: This session wants to move slowly.

Helpful things you may wish to have on hand or give some consideration to:

  • 💫 Natal chart (you can get a chart at or

  • 🪁 Loose clothing

  • 🤲🏾 A private space (if possible)

  • 🖍️ Something to write with and something to write on 

  • 🍫 Snacks and water

  • ⚓ Whatever other grounding🌿 and deepening🐚 objects you might find supportive 🧸